Saturday, August 21, 2010

Still Learning

Still haven't quite figured out why I'm doing this but for some reason it's making me feel a little better.  One thing this tragic loss has taught me is that you're never too old to make a change in your life and no matter what your age there are always opportunities to learn from others.  As my Dad use to tell me, "Son, God gave you two eyes and two ears and only one mouth for a reason."  Isn't it funny how the experiences of your youth come back to you later in life and teach you all over again.

I started writing this blog shortly after the loss of a very good friend.  Despite the fact that we didn't see each other near as often as I would have liked I would still consider he and his Wife Melissa very good friends.  Standing in line at his visitation I thought to myself, "I wish we would have found the time to get together more often."  It really hit me hard when, after nearly an hour of waiting in line, I reached Melissa and she gave me a hug and then said to their son Spencer, "This is Chris Hagan" and Spencer replied, "I know, Dad talked about him alot."  The fact that Spencer said that made me feel honored but disappointed that our families didn't get together more often.

Just last night Melissa made another post to her blog and it was titled "Bitter Sweet".  She just received a letter outlining all the donations Steve made.  Those donations were organ donations and she mentioned, in her post, that the letter said Steve helped at least 50 people!  One of those people received his corneas.  Somewhere out there Steve gave the gift of sight to someone.  How amazing is that!  Even after his tragic loss Steve continues to give of himself to the benefit of others.  While the loss of such a great friend is something hard to deal with can you imagine the remarkable joy those 50 other families must be feeling right now.  Can you picture Steve sitting up there, looking down and seeing all the joy.  It's hard to say something like that because we've all lost someone so wonderful.  However, I think if Steve could say anything right now he'd be saying learn from me.  I know both he and Melissa have inspired me to be a better person.  I'm sorry it's as a result of such a painful and tragic loss and given a choice we'd all much rather have Steve back but I honestly believe both he and Melissa have inspired, and continue to inspire, others to be better.  It's my hope that my next 40 years will be more like Steve's first 40 years.

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