Thursday, December 9, 2010

He is the reason for the season...

"Tis better to give than to receive"....   I made a vow to myself last year that each and every time I saw one of the Salvation Army members outside a store ringing their bell I would give them all the change in my pocket and if I didn't have any change then I would reach in my wallet and find some money to put in the kettle.  On a few occasions I think I did both, emptied my pockets of change and added some bills to the kettle as well.  I can't recall what made me make that promise to myself but for the past two seasons I've never missed the chance to put something in the kettle each time I was at a store where the Salvation Army had a bell ringer. 

A couple weeks ago I was out getting lunch and I could hear the bell ringer from a couple stores away.  I couldn't see where they were but had a general idea of what store I thought they were in front of.  I had just walked out from getting my lunch and had a pocket full of change, so remembering the promise I made to myself, I got in the truck and drove to the front of the other store and put all the change I had in the bucket.  I told the gentleman I could hear his bell from several stores away as I dropped all my change in the kettle.

Sure the X-Box and the PS3's the Flat Screens and Lap Tops are all cool stuff but if you really want to see the joy of the Christmas season go find some needy kids who could use a new coat for Christmas to help keep them warm or buy some new hats and gloves for people who don't have any and my bet is that you'll carry that joy with you for much longer....  Help someone and pay it forward, what comes back to you is often much greater than you expect. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fun With Family!

One thing I've noticed lately, which I really knew all along, is that the kids really enjoy doing fun and different things as long as you can find ways to make it fun and entertaining.  Yeah, I know...  If you're a parent then that's not really anything you didn't already know either.   Many times there are educational opportunities that go along with the activity as well and you can sneak them in when the kids are least expecting it and it makes learning more exciting.  The hard part is that, unlike when we were kids, we as parents now have to compete with the DSI, Wii, PS3, X-Box, etc.. and don't even get me started on the texting thing....  I was actually looking somewhat forward to the time when a boy would call the house for our daughter so I could see if he had the right type of phone manners.  Now they all have cell phones!  UGH!  Yes, I know I'm old fashioned, but there's nothing wrong with that....

My best friend and I often joke about the fact that we're turning into cranky old men before our time.  I tell him we were just born into the wrong generation.  I'm a product of the "Yes Sir", "Yes Ma'am", "Please" and "Thank you" upbringing and I'm a firm believer in it but it seems like those qualities are lost on the younger generation.  Oops, there I go again being the cranky old man.... 

I'm sure you can all relate in some way to what I'm talking about.  It's 70 degrees outside in November and you tell the kids to go out and play and they're glued to some game on one of the a fore mentioned devices.  Not that it's totally bad that they're doing that but when I was a kid... Look out, cranky old man quote coming up.....  we climbed trees and played ball and raced our bikes and jumped off the swing sets etc. You thought I was going to say, "Walked to school, up hill, both ways, in the snow, carrying our little brother." didn't you...  I'm not that old!  That's what my parents use to say when they were telling us to go out and play...

Our kids enjoy the Wii games and PS3 stuff as much as any kid does but I've found that the best activities are the ones you can do together one on one with them or as a family together.  Just a few months ago our daughter helped me install the basketball goal at our house and it was a learning experience for both of us...

She's somewhat of a Math wiz so I took the time to add some Math to the project while she helped me mix the concrete and set the pole in the ground.  It was a lot of work but we were both outside, working on a project together and it made the project so much more meaningful and enjoyable to have her there with me.  Since she helped install the pole she got to take the first shot once everything was done.  Did she make the basket?  Let's just say I think she should stick with being in the band :-)

Tyler and I went Turkey Hunting recently and he said to me, while we were out in the woods, "You know Dad, everything is better out in the woods!"  I couldn't agree more!  We saw Turkey Tracks, Deer Tracks, tons of birds, explored the railroad tracks nearby and were out in the woods together for the better part of the day.  Later in the afternoon we heard a noise and Tyler couldn't figure out what it was, pretty soon a giant Owl flew out of a tree and Tyler thought that was really cool.  He then asked, "When is Owl season Dad?"  Yep, you guessed it...  Time for an educational opportunity.  There's not such thing as Owl season son.  I let him bring his toy gun out in the woods to help him learn gun safety and where to point the gun, how to hold it etc.   Last year he earned the nickname of  "Thunderfoot" because his tiny little feet found each and every twig in the woods.  You would have thought I had "Snap", "Crackle" and "Pop" hunting with me that day.  This season he seemed to avoid the twigs a little better but the nickname stuck!  "Thunderfoot" and I plan on going Deer Hunting this season as well. 
The smiles on their faces and enjoyment they had doing things like this were so much more gratifying than having their nose buried in some electronic device playing some game.  They can do that anytime.  They're only young once and life is short so cherish your time and take lots of pictures!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

An Apple For My Teacher!

Thankful for your FREEDOM, thank a VET!

Thankful for your SAFETY, thank the MILITARY, FIREMEN & POLICE!

Thankful for your KNOWLEDGE, thank a TEACHER!!!

I went to College with many aspiring teachers years ago and now I'm married to one as well.  My wife Wendy and I met at my best friends house on May 26, 1990, I proposed on May 26, 2000 and we were married on May 26, 2001.   To make a long story short, our paths had separated in the Fall of 1990 because we went to different colleges.  I went to Northwest in Maryville and she was at the University of Florida in Pensacola.  It's now the Summer of 1999 and we hadn't seen each other or talked in 10 years.  I was working at Q104 and covering traffic one afternoon and Wendy had just recently been transferred back to Kansas City.  She was driving home listening to the radio and recognized my voice.  She called the radio station and actually got through on the request line, which is a miracle all by itself.  The rest is history...  Ironically she called me on 7-26-99 and it showed 5:26pm on her cell phone bill.  So yes, the number 526 has some special meaning to each of us, but that's not why I wrote this entry.  That's just back ground info.

Family is the most important thing of all and I'm so grateful for mine!  I couldn't ask for a more wonderful friend than my wife Wendy.  She has her degree in Accounting and she left a really fantastic career with State Street nearly 8 years ago to stay home with the kids.  At that time we were expecting Tyler and Carissa was only 7.  Shortly after Tyler was born we started looking for a bigger house and moved from Lee's Summit to Grain Valley.  Little did we know, when we planned to move, that Grain Valley was building a new grade school in our subdivision.  School is only 4/10ths of a mile from the house and Wendy started to sub in the School District and pretty soon she had a full time position as the Computer Teacher at Prairie Branch Elementary, where she's been for the past 6 years.  We couldn't ask for anything better because she's there with the kids during the day and home when they get home.  The Grain Valley Newspaper The Pointe just recently did an article about the School District and how they're using new technology in the classroom and it was Wendy's classroom that they featured in the article.  So here's an Apple For My Teacher, Wendy!  I still can't believe they misspelled her name in the photo.  They got it right everywhere else BUT the photo...

We're all where we are today because of our teachers!  Have you thanked your teacher today?

Congratulations sweetie...  I know the article was about the School District as a whole but I'm so proud of you!  You're so good at your job and the kids just love you!  It's funny because years ago when I was in radio it seemed like everywhere we went we'd run into people that knew me.  My how the times have changed!!!  Now everywhere we go all I hear is, "Mrs. Hagan...  Mrs. Hagan....  Mrs. Hagan!"  It's really cool to see the kids come running up to her to say hello....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Checkered Flag!!!!

If I've learned anything through all of this it's that "Family Comes First", because it's highly unlikely that years from now I'll look back at my life and say.... "Gee I wish I would have spent more time at work." 

My former boss, who is still a good friend, said that to me about six months ago as she was getting ready to leave work and stay home so she could spend more time with her family.   She was the one who hired me and I really enjoyed working with her.  She found out she had Cancer and she's got a tough road ahead of her to beat that stupid disease.  During one of our conversations she said to me, "You're not going to look back and wish you would have worked more, take the time off and spend it with your family.  You only get these years with them once, so go enjoy it!"  Wise advise from a wise lady if you ask me.

So with the above in mind I took time off last week to spend with the family and I left work early yesterday in order to get home in time to get our son ready for his BMX race and get him to practice early.  I named this blog "The Dad Blog" when I started because it's the first thing that came to mind and it seems so fitting now because focusing on the family is what a Dad is suppose to do.  Anyway, I got home early last night and hurried to get our son Tyler ready so we could head out the door to practice before the race.  He loves racing and he's been doing quite well so far so we bought him a new Race Bike and last night was the first time he got to race it.

During Practice Wendy was nervous watching Tyler go over the jumps as he would get the bike completely off the ground.  Each jump resulted in a gasp of air from Wendy as she clutched her heart every Tyler went airborne.  Tyler flew around the track finishing 2nd in the qualifying round which automatically transferred him to the Main Event!  When the time came for the Main Event Tyler took off out of the gate at full speed and he was in second place at the end of the first straightaway, but a quick dive to the inside on turn number one gave Tyler the lead and he never looked back!  He held the lead for the remainder of the race beating the rider in 2nd place by over four bike lengths.  It was his very first Feature Win!!!  Yes, it's true...  I won't look back years from now and say, "Gee, I wish I would have worked more."  The rewards of family are great, cherish each and every one of them and take lots of pictures along the way...

Tyler gets his first Feature WIN!!!  November 2nd 2010  BMX RACE  7 Year old Novice Class.
Congratulations from Mom is the coolest thing ever....  Second only to me figuring out how to upload photos on a blog..  LOL!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Next Steps

Still kind of feeling my way through this whole "Blog Thing" but I'm enjoying learning as I go.  Haven't made a great deal of progress on some of the things I mentioned in earlier posts but I have on some others.  Hence the title "Next Steps"...   Everything in life is a process and you have to approach your goals step by step because if you try to make dramatic changes all at once, the "step" is likely too high to take if you know what I mean.  That's why they say, "You have to walk before you can run".   Then again I'm not really telling you anything you don't already know right.  Pretty basic stuff here right.... 

Ok so I've been reading my friends blog and it's one of those things that acts like a compass to help keep you pointed in the right direction and helps you focus on the big picture.  She recently lost her husband and both of them were good friends and I honestly believe that Steve and Melissa are helping more people than they know via her blog.  She has a gift of seeing through the worst things imaginable and finding the silver lining and her blog appears to be a lighthouse when you stray off course.  She really helps keep things in perspective.

So that brings me to my "Next Steps"...   I think I've figured out what I intend to do with my blog.  I named it "The Dad Blog" because I honestly couldn't think of anything else and it's the first thing that came to mind when I was trying to figure out how to get started.  My friend Steve was a tremendous Dad and great family man so I think that's what my next steps will be.  One of my goals was spend more time focusing on my family so that would seem to be the appropriate thing to focus on in the blog.

Being a Husband and a Dad are the two best things in the world!  My wife and I have two wonderful kids but they grow up WAY TOO FAST!  It feels like just yesterday that we were going to pick up our daughter at the grandparents house after my wife and I had come back from a trip and our daughter ran to me and jumped in my arms!  That's the GREATEST feeling in the world!  Those times don't last forever so cherish them and make time for them because in the blink of an eye, they grow up!  That cute little girl who ran into my arms years ago just turned 13....  Do I even need to type anymore.  Yes, 13!  Tonight I drove her to the "Dance" and despite the fact that she's a wonderful little girl (young lady) she broke my heart tonight.  I stopped and dropped her off and she instantly saw one of her friends so I wasn't the "Daddy" anymore I was merely the "Chauffeur".  She was out of the car and off to see her friend.  I'm not even sure I heard a "Thanks Dad" or "I Love you" or anything at all.  I'm sure she said it but it was so fast I think I missed it.  I was just replaced by some other little tween.  Thankfully it was girlfriend of hers, had it been a BOY!  Oh my gosh what would I have done then. 

My best friend and I were visiting the other day and he said to me, "So she's 13 now huh."  I replied with a hint of sarcasm, "Yes, she turned 13 and I joined the NRA".    I haven't actually joined, yet.  However, it's on my list of things to do.  Years ago when I was in High School my best friend was at the house when my sister had come home from a date.  My Mom and Dad, a friend of theirs, my best friend and I were all in the Family Room  when my sister got home from her date, and he walked her to the door.  She came home at the moment my Dad was showing his gun collection to his friend.  Can you see where this is going.....   I noticed my sister was coming up the stairs with this guy and I told my Dad, "Hey, here she comes....."   Yes, we all picked up one of the guns and as soon as she walked in the door, with her date, and came into the family room she saw all of us and I said, "You got her home a little late didn't you?"  It was PRICELESS!!!   I don't think that guy asked her out again.  Ahh Yes!  Mission Accomplished!  It reminds me of the song from Rodney Atkins called "Cleaning This Gun".  It describes that event perfectly!  He wasn't a bad guy but somewhere out there is a guy telling a story much like I'm telling you right now only he's likely saying, "I took this girl out and when I brought her home she invited me in to meet the family and it was like walking into a NRA meeting!

The point here is that time goes by far too quickly so as Melissa said in one of her blog posts... "Take lots of pictures, and cherish your time together"  before you know it things could change unexpectedly and kids tend to grow up faster than we would like.  What will your "Next Step" be?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Don't Just Say It, DO IT!

Ok the pressure is really on now.  I was in the office the other day and two of the ladies I work with were talking about blogs and without any hesitation I joined in the conversation and I said, "I have a blog too."  Time suddenly stopped for me and everything went in slow motion.  What had I done?  I obviously overloaded my mouth before I engaged my brain!  Both ladies looked at me and asked questions about my blog.  What do I do, what do I say, I'm still a total rookie with this whole "Blog Thing".  I don't know what I'm doing so why on earth did I respond, "I have a blog too."  Yeah, I'm still trying to figure that one out myself, but there's a reason for everything right.  Perhaps it's a good thing....

So like I said at the start, "the pressure is really on now."  Perhaps it a good thing that others know I'm writing a blog.  Maybe that will keep me in line so to speak when going down the "New Road" I've planned for myself.  I've made some progress on some of the items I outlined in my previous post but today it became apparent to me that it's a lot easier to "Say It" than it is to "DO IT".  Now I've actually put stuff in writing and others can see it too.  That means I have now come to a fork in my "New Road" and the fork on the Left says "Say It" and the fork on the right says "DO IT".   

(Notice the slight political humor there.  You can bank on the fact that I'll take the "Right Fork" every time.  I'm not a big fan of all this "Hope & Change" on the Left.  I'm more of a Traditional, Old Fashion, Conservative, God, Guns, and Flag kind of guy!)  

Back to the fork in the "New Road"...  So I'm only twenty days into this and these two ladies at work unknowingly were the fork in the "New Road" for me.  Was I writing a blog just for me and talking about stuff, or was I actually going to actively try to make some changes in my life?  Well, I thought about that on my drive home from work last night and realized that in the past twenty days I've done pretty well at some of the things and not quite as well as some of the others.  However, this "New Road" isn't just some little 100 yard dash it's more like the Boston Marathon.  I'm not going to learn to play guitar in one day, I'm not going to be able to read the Bible in one day nor am I going to be able to start a business of my one in one day.  Each of these things will require time, effort and focus in order to accomplish and do correctly.  I would imagine that becoming an organ donor takes a little more than just a signature on the back of your Driver's License as well.  Have you ever looked at the back of your Driver's License?  In Missouri it takes two witnesses to your signature to become an organ donor.  That's something I didn't know until just now when I paused while writing this to take out my License and look.  Will you become an organ donor?  I haven't signed mine yet.  I'm still thinking about it to make sure it's the right thing to do for me.  But when I make that decision and I know my 1st witness will be my wife.  I think I'll ask Steve's wife, Melissa, to be my second witness.  After all many of the things I've been talking about are as a result of Steve's passing and Melissa's writings so it would only seem fitting to ask her to be my second witness.

So what's it going to be?  Are you just going to "Say It" or are you going to "DO IT"....  

Friday, September 3, 2010

The New Road

So honestly I'm still trying to figure out why I'm writing a blog.  I haven't told anyone I'm writing a blog, and frankly I didn't really know what one was until I found out that a friend of mine was writing a blog.  I'd never really read a blog, didn't know how to start one, didn't know anything about it, and frankly I'm still kinda flying blind here, as you can tell by the lack of creative design on this blog.  Well, if I continue doing this perhaps I'll learn more about how to "Jazz it up" in the future but for now I'll stick with what I've got, because honestly it took everything just to figure out how to get this far.  I should have asked our teenage daughter about it, she likely would have looked at me and said, "Dad....  Seriously!  This is easy!"  as only a teenager could say.  Then she'd click a few buttons and just like that my "blog" would look amazing.  Technologically speaking I'm still in the VCR days.  Stop laughing, because many of you likely are too....  Then again if you found this blog you're likely well ahead of me.  By the time I figure it all out, blogs will be a thing of the past and everyone will be have heads up display systems on their contacts that will be linked to their cell phones.

It's now been several weeks since the loss of a very good friend of mine.  A friend I didn't see nearly enough and that's why I chose the title for this post "A New Road".  My lovely wife Wendy, whom I cherish very much, along with our Children are the center of our Universe and I've always been grateful for what I have.  We are truly blessed and it took the loss of a truly great person for me to really sit back and take a look at my life.  It's been nearly 10 years since the release of the song "My Next 30 Years" by Tim McGraw and I remember thinking back then that I was happy with my first 30 but I wanted my next 30 to be even better.  That was 10 years ago!!!  I'm already 1/3rd of the way through my next 30 and while I'm a good person, a good Dad, and a good Husband I'd really only give myself a C+ for the past 10 years in terms of accomplishing some of the things I said I wanted to accomplish.  That's still a passing grade but it's not anything to look back at and say "WOW".  Granted I'm likely much harder on myself than others would be, but it's time for the "New Road" and that new road was inspired by the way a good friend lived his life in his first 40 years.

I've spent much more time talking to God, and thanking him for what we have.  Some might think that's corny but I don't.  He's all around us each and every day.  He's at work, He's in our kids, He's everywhere and He's not hard to find all you have to do is talk to Him.  You may not think you get an answer right away but He answers us each and every time.  It might take a while to hear it or see it but the answer is there.  The more you talk to Him the more you hear and see.  Call me goofy if you like, try it and see for yourself. 

My friend Steve did everything right and one day he got let go from Sprint and he built his own business and that business focused on helping other people.  I've been seriously thinking about starting my own business because it's something I've always been interested in doing and I'm starting to take the initial steps to do just that.  They're baby steps at this point but you have to crawl before you can walk right?  At least I'm heading in the right direction.  Ironically I had the idea for this business and after Steve's passing I put a post up on my Linkedin Account that said, "Lost a great friend to a tragic accident this past weekend.  Call someone you haven't talked to in a while just to say hello!"  Shortly after doing that someone contacted me that I haven't talked to since College and we had lunch together.  Before that lunch meeting we were talking about my business idea and he has two companies of his own.  He felt my idea was sound and he said, "Go for it and when you come across a hurdle JUMP OVER IT!  Don't let anyone stand in your way."  I'm starting to look at what it would take to start my own business.  That would be a very 'New Road' for my Wife and I to take but how sweet it would be if we succeed!

I've promised myself that I would make sure and read the Bible.  Not just a little bit here and there but from cover to cover.  I don't want to get to the pearly gates and have to look St. Peter and God in the eye and say, "No, I'm sorry I didn't read the Bible".  I don't think the excuse of, "I didn't have the time" would work do you?  Me either.

I think I should be an organ donor as well.  Steve's wife Melissa said that Steve helped at least 50 people by being an organ donor.  That even includes his corneas.  Can you imagine being able to help give someone else the gift of sight.  How AMAZING would that be!!!!

I'd also like to learn how to play the guitar because I absolutely love music and I always have.  So in the next 10 years I hope to be much further down this "New Road" playing the guitar, owning my own business, having read the entire Bible, becoming an organ donor, and being well on my way to making certain that my Wife and Children are well taken care of in the event that anything tragic ever happens to me.  I have some of that taken care of but I have a feeling I need to do much more.  "The New Road" will be exciting, a challenge, a learning experience, and a great journey to take with my beloved Wife Wendy, who Melissa reminded me to "Cherish" and I plan to do just that as best I can.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Still Learning

Still haven't quite figured out why I'm doing this but for some reason it's making me feel a little better.  One thing this tragic loss has taught me is that you're never too old to make a change in your life and no matter what your age there are always opportunities to learn from others.  As my Dad use to tell me, "Son, God gave you two eyes and two ears and only one mouth for a reason."  Isn't it funny how the experiences of your youth come back to you later in life and teach you all over again.

I started writing this blog shortly after the loss of a very good friend.  Despite the fact that we didn't see each other near as often as I would have liked I would still consider he and his Wife Melissa very good friends.  Standing in line at his visitation I thought to myself, "I wish we would have found the time to get together more often."  It really hit me hard when, after nearly an hour of waiting in line, I reached Melissa and she gave me a hug and then said to their son Spencer, "This is Chris Hagan" and Spencer replied, "I know, Dad talked about him alot."  The fact that Spencer said that made me feel honored but disappointed that our families didn't get together more often.

Just last night Melissa made another post to her blog and it was titled "Bitter Sweet".  She just received a letter outlining all the donations Steve made.  Those donations were organ donations and she mentioned, in her post, that the letter said Steve helped at least 50 people!  One of those people received his corneas.  Somewhere out there Steve gave the gift of sight to someone.  How amazing is that!  Even after his tragic loss Steve continues to give of himself to the benefit of others.  While the loss of such a great friend is something hard to deal with can you imagine the remarkable joy those 50 other families must be feeling right now.  Can you picture Steve sitting up there, looking down and seeing all the joy.  It's hard to say something like that because we've all lost someone so wonderful.  However, I think if Steve could say anything right now he'd be saying learn from me.  I know both he and Melissa have inspired me to be a better person.  I'm sorry it's as a result of such a painful and tragic loss and given a choice we'd all much rather have Steve back but I honestly believe both he and Melissa have inspired, and continue to inspire, others to be better.  It's my hope that my next 40 years will be more like Steve's first 40 years.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The First Entry

Ok so this is my first blog entry and I'm not exactly sure what to do, what to post or how to even get started.  So why do it?  Good Question.  Do I have the answer?  Well, I'm not really sure.  So what prompted me to start a blog?  Well a good friend of mine just recently passed away far before his time.  He was one of those guys that everyone liked, everyone respected, everyone looked up to, and he was taken from all of us far too soon.  At the risk of sounding like I'm being disrespectful waiting in line during his visitation was like waiting in line at Disney Land. The line of people just never seemed to end as it wrapped half way around the building.  Steve knew everyone and everyone was proud to know Steve!

So I still haven't answered the question of why I'm writing a blog.  I'm honestly not sure I know the answer yet either.  Steve's Wife Melissa has a blog of her own and I think reading her blog entries inspired me to do my own.  You see Steve and Melissa met in College and we were all friends but as life would have it after college we each had families, jobs, events with the kids etc. and our paths didn't cross that often but each time they did, often at the local sandwich shop, it was as if we had seen each other just the day before even though several months and sometimes years had passed.  Each time we saw each other it was always with the promise of, "Hey we need to get together and see each other more often."  You all know what I mean, it happens to all of us more often than not.  Even with the best of intentions to get together that opportunity never seemed to come about.  Well, just a couple weeks ago it happened again, we ran into Steve and Melissa at Planet Sub and despite the fact that we hadn't seen each other in what was likely better than a year you would have thought we had seen each other just the day before.  That's just the kind of people Steve and Melissa are.  Melissa said my name from across the room and as I looked up there she was with a big smile on her face and a hug to say hello.  Little did I know that it would be the last time I would see Steve...

Tragically just a few short days later he was gone.  He fell victim to an accident while helping a neighbor, and just like that he was gone.  It was said at his "Celebration of Life" ceremony that Steve had done more in his first 40 years than most of us will do in a lifetime and judging by the line of people who came to pay their respects it's safe to say that he touched and impacted the lives of many in his short time here with us as well.  Estimates say close to 1,000 people, if not more, came to the visitation that evening.

Perhaps that's why I'm writing this blog entry, partially to grieve and remember fondly a wonderful person and good friend, and partially to continue carrying on and living life only this time doing so more like Steve would have.  For those of you who knew him you know what I mean.  He was one of those once in a lifetime, one of a kind individuals.  Family came first above all else.  Steve always put family first and his family went beyond just his Wife and three children.  Steve treated everyone like family and he always had a smile on his face and a kind word to say.  If we could all be a little more like Steve the world would be a better place.

So that might be a long answer but I think that's why I chose to write a blog.  Steve wasn't famous, he wasn't a celebrity, he wasn't rich, he was a normal every day kind of guy who happened to have 1,000+ people show up to pay their respects when his time came.  That says a great deal about the type of person he was.  Something really affected me in this past week and I didn't fully realize it until I read Melissa's blog.  Life is short, things happen when you least expect them to, take the time, make a difference, spend time with family, take lots of pictures.  Cherish life and all is has to offer.....