Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Heck With Politically Correct, WE GOT HIM!

Let me start this off by saying I'm not a big fan of Obama to begin with but the fact of the matter is WE GOT HIM!  Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!  He's fish food at the bottom of the ocean somewhere and that's a good thing.  President Obama is the one who authorized the mission and acted on the intelligence so for that I'll give him credit.  Thank you President Obama for doing the right thing and giving the green light to exterminate this worthless piece of garbage.  The real credit belongs to the members of the United States Military for getting the job done and doing it so quickly and efficiently.  What they, the US Navy Seals, did and are able to do should strike complete and total fear in the hearts and minds of those who wish us harm.  Hey Al Qaeda We can do this when we want and where we want and if you dare cross us we can do it to you too!  Does that sound harsh?  Does that sound 'politically incorrect'?  Does that sound like something that would get me kicked out of class for saying it.  Yes, unfortunately it does but it shouldn't sound that way.  That's part of the problem if you ask me!

When asked about releasing the death photos of Osama Bin Laden President Obama said something to the affect of , "We're not going to spike the football."  Why the hell not?  We should not only be spiking the football, we should be doing one hell of an end zone dance too!  I don't give a damn about the sensitivities of the Muslim world and what they think of us.  Who Cares!!!  Did we care what the Germans and the Japanese thought of us when we celebrated the end of World War II?  No we didn't.  One of the most iconic photos of our time is the Navy Sailor kissing the Nurse in Times Square when victory over Japan was declared!!!  That was one heck of a celebration.  WE WON!!!!  WE CELEBRATED!!!  That is how it was then and how it should still be today! 
I got goosebumps when I saw the photos of American Citizens celebrating with the Red, White, and Blue chanting USA, USA, at Ground Zero and in front of the White House and in Times Square...  YES, YES!!!  That is the way it should be and if the Muslims were offended that's too damn bad!  If you're here and you don't like it you're more than welcome to leave!

Back in the days of World War II we had people like Patton who said, "America loves a winner. America will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise a coward; Americans play to win." Again... YES!!!  That's how it should be.  Some in Europe say they were shocked that America was celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden by cheering in the streets.  SHUT UP!!!  We've come to your defense each and every time and saved you ass before and we'll likely do it again should you be faced with terror.  You too should be celebrating the death and demise of someone so evil.  While you're passing judgement on our celebration of the death of one of the worst people to ever walk the earth keep this in mind...  "Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American G. I. One died for your soul; the other for your freedom."  If I recall correctly it was Tony Blair the Prime Minister of England who was credited with that quote.  Did you celebrate the death of Hitler?  Yes, you did, as did we.

Pakistan says we came in and killed Osama Bin Laden in cold blood while he was defenseless.  SO WHAT!  He was there for how many years Pakistan?  As George W. Bush said, "The US makes no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them."  Count yourselves lucky that we only came after him and not you and your country.  In case you didn't notice, which you didn't, we came in and you didn't even know we were there and you likely wouldn't have noticed at all if it weren't for the fact that one of our helicopters went down.  That wasn't any typical helicopter either in case you missed it.  That appeared to be some super secret advanced piece of "kick your ass" hardware that we have.

The bottom line here is the fact that this is a HUGE victory for the USA and one that should be celebrated.  The American people as a whole are rarely wrong.  We celebrated the end of evil in World War II and we celebrated the death of evil in Osama Bin Laden.  I could care less about how the Muslims feel about what we do in this country.  If they don't like it then they can stay the hell out.  Don't forget it was the Muslim terrorists who started this mess.  We tend to keep to ourselves until we're pushed and provoked and that's what happened on September 11.  If you're going to pick on us you damn well better be ready for us to, "Put a boot in your ass courtesy of the Red, White and Blue!" as Toby Keith said in his song "The Angry American".

This is a VICTORY for America courtesy of the United States Military at the hand of the Navy Seals.  America will celebrate it, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it! 

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